North Warren Regional School District works hard to safely transport our students to and from school, activities and athletic events each day in a mutually respectful environment.
To promote an efficient, safe experience, we ask for your assistance:
- Students should be on time at the designated bus stop. The bus must keep to schedules to ensure the safety of other students. Students should be at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to their scheduled time, and wait 10 minutes after in case of delays.
- The bus driver may adjust the pickup time during the first few weeks of school. The driver will notify students if there is an adjustment to time.
- There is no law regarding sidewalks. Students must walk to their cluster stops with or without sidewalks.
- A school bus is an extension of the school, but a school bus stop is not. If you have concerns about your child’s safety, you are encouraged to accompany your child to the bus stop or make arrangements to have your child escorted to the bus stop. If there are traffic safety concerns, please contact the local police. Students should obey all safety and traffic laws while on route to and from the bus stop.
- Any items left on the bus in the morning will be returned in the afternoon. Items left in the afternoon will be returned the next morning. If you need the item sooner, please contact the bus company and make arrangements to pick it up from their location.
Bus Stop Changes
Before submitting a bus stop change request, please read the following guidelines:
- A bus needs 200-300 feet to activate its lights correctly. There must be this distance between all bus stops.
- Every additional stop adds 3-4 minutes to a route. Our routes are tight with time and capacity due to the size of the regional district we service. Unlike elementary schools, the buses do not have time to stop at every student's home.
- State law requires a student to be assigned "one" bus to and from their residence.
- Students may only ride the bus to which they are assigned. Accountability is a major issue with transportation. We need to know what students are on every bus in case there should be an accident or emergency.
- Students who disregard the bus regulations will receive a Misconduct Report on the bus, issued by the driver. This report will be given to NWR Administration and the student will receive consequences for the behavior. Continued disregard of regulations will lead to disciplinary action and quite possibly suspension from riding the bus. Should a student be suspended from bus privileges, his/her parents will have to find other means of transportation to and from school.
- A written note from the student's parent/guardian is required before permission can be given to ride another bus. Students should bring the note to the Main Office Secretary for a bus pass.
- Being the only student at a bus stop does not qualify for a house stop. As stated above, there must be 200-300 feet in between stops, time restrictions, and safety issues which take precedence. "Cluster stops" must be maintained for students who are assigned a stop but do not normally ride, students who switch schools, or move into the area, etc.
- We are cogniscant about parent work schedules and will work with you in providing a stop that meets all requirements, but we cannot change a stop due to parental time restrictions.
- Courtesy stops are against regulations. All stops must be approved through the transportation department. Please do not place your driver in a position where they could be disciplined.
- Bus stops are subject to change at any time due to time restrictions and locations.
- We use a computerized transportation program and errors do occur. Students in the same house are sometimes plotted at different stops. Please notify the transportation department, and we will work to correct the error.
Please email to submit a bus stop change request.
More Information
New Jersey DOE Transportation FAQ's

10 Noe Road, Blairstown,
NJ 07825
Phone (908) 362-8211
Fax (908) 362-7353